
In September, we, the Gothic Pogo e.V., published a statement via Artists against anti-Semitism with the following content:

 „Gothic Pogo against anti-Semitism // Since 1998 Gothic Pogo is created by a queer crew of free individuals with a passion for subculture, music and arts. We stand up for the inviolable rights of every individual and are committed to a world in which diversity, equality and respect form the basis of coexistence.”

Since we as the Gothic Pogo Crew are an association of individuals who represent different points of view and perspectives, but see the fight against anti-Semitism as our common consensus, this statement was carefully reduced to its essential message. 

The reason for the statement was the outbreak of a wave of attacks on Jewish people who were held responsible for the Middle East conflict, as well as an accompanying boycott of Israeli and Israel-supporting businesses and artists.

We see taking a position against these events as our self-evident duty, just as we stand up for the rights of LGBTQI and against racism at all times, in accordance with our self-image.

Our position against anti-Semitism then became a projection surface for baseless allegations and hate attacks, which prompted us to write a more extensive statement. This statement was preceded by an internal process that needs to be mentioned here, as we, as a union of friends, also represent different views.

What do we stand for?

We see ourselves as a collective that, in addition to the task of supporting art and culture, has created a spectrum of actions defined in the statutes to create a safe space for our community in the spirit of humanity, emancipation and equality. 

A central principle is our clear stance against anti-Semitism, as it is a deeply rooted problem in society and must always be combated - at all times and without exception.

At the same time, we see ourselves as an open space for all people, regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender or political views, as long as these reflect our principles. Of course, this also means that we are committed to opposing any form of anti-Muslim racism and will not tolerate it.

We speak out for the emancipation and the right to protection and self-determination of all Jewish people worldwide. Israel's right to exist and its right to defense are out of the question. At the same time, Palestinian society also has the right to autonomy, territorial recognition and self-determination. We support a two-state solution, in whatever form, it brings long-term peace to both parties. 

We stand against the terror of Hamas. At the same time, we criticize Israel's current right-wing government, its settlement policy and way of waging war. Our condolences go out both to the hostages, whose release we hope for soon, and to all the innocent civilian victims and sufferers of this war. Our sincere condolences go out to all those affected and their families in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

We hope for an early end of the war and the beginning of peaceful negotiations.

What now?

We see the need for perspectives and controversies within a democratic space so that exchange and reflection can happen. There is not one truth, but rather many people with biographies, injuries and points of view that should be considered.

We have always seen our community as a safe space and therefore ask everyone to continue to preserve it. Friendships can also exist within a plurality of opinions. Therefore, feel invited to listen to each other instead of excluding each other and exploiting common spaces for polarizing struggles. 

With this festival, we are setting an example against social division and for empathetic coexistence.

With this in mind, please feel invited to spend a peaceful festival together!

With the scene, from the scene, for the scene!

Gothic Pogo e.V.