Here are the DJs who made you dance GPF and GPP floors

(always to be continued)

# ½ Mensch (Batkult/Osnabrück/GER)

A Aleks (Detonation Boulevard/Zwischenfall/GER) +++ Alex Brogl (Tanz mit dem Herzen/GER) +++ Alien S Pagan (Cemetary Girlz/Paris/FR) +++ Andi Sexgang (UK) +++ Andre (Angstpop/Berlin/GER) +++ Ania et le Programmeur (FR/GER) +++ Aurelia Dinamita (Trash Me/Berlin/GER)

B Babsi Per Du (Young & Cold / GER) +++ Bat (Young & Cold /GER) +++ BatCat (Ratz / Darkroom / Stockholm) +++ Batluder (Denmark) +++ Ben Bloodygrave (Berlin) +++ Bigo (Death Blind Dumb/ Halle) +++ BIT79 (Afterhours/ Dresden) +++ Blackradio (Overdose/ Milan) +++ BoogieBat (Batboner, Graveyard Death Cvlt, NO)

C Carlos Grabstein (Oddity / MX) +++ Cavey Nik (Dead and Buried/London) +++ CCCP/Troy ( Onderstroom / Amsterdam ) +++ CMO (No!ze Concrete/Mutant Transmissions/Belgium) +++ Coco Darlin (Dis:Tanz, Leipzig, GER) +++ Conny (Zadera/Magdeburg) +++ Cyberpagan (Outsider-Party/Braunschweig)

D DanaiMoi (Zombie Dance/ GRE) +++ Dangermouse (Strange & Scary/ GER) +++ Daniel (Cinema Strange/ LA) +++ Darkland (Ex-Resident) +++ Dark Shadow (Claws of Saurtopia Noisefest, GER) +++ DeathBat (Berlin) +++ DekaDenz (Punks Undead, GER) +++ Dini (Klubb Död, SE) +++ Dr DV8 (DV8 Festival/York/UK) +++ Daniel Yellow (Cinema Strange /US) +++ Dr Gregor Giesing (GrGr/Mutant Transmissions/GER)

E Enno (Deaf Blind Dumb/ Halle) +++ Evilyn Frantic (SWE)

F Falk (Deaf Blind Dumb/ Halle) +++ Fil Noir (Reformation Club, GB) +++ Franz (Monozid/GER) +++ Fredi Scirocco (GER)

G Gertrud Stein (Achtung!Achtung!/UK)+++ Ghoul Girl (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/Melboune) +++ Graftak (DMTH) +++ Gárgola (Vienna Decay/AT)

H HATE Mior (CAN) +++ Hazi (Angstpop/Berlin) +++ Helen Kat (Graveyard Thrills/Lisbon) +++ Hollow Skies (Bruits de la Cave, GER) +++ HURZ! (Present of the Future / GER)

I Ian P. Christ (Berlin) +++ Industra (MEX)

J Jan Endzeit (Crimson Night/Münster) +++ Jemek Jemowit (Berlin) +++ Jen Ellers (Brave Exhibitions/ Berlin) +++ Jessi La Palma (Glamour Toujours, GER) +++ Joanna (Modern Mechanix) +++ Joli Monstre (Bunker Bal/ Paris) +++ Jorge & Venus (Momories Unchained/ Berlin) +++ Jonas (Then Comes Silence, SWE)

K Kamo (Milan Decay/ Milan) +++ Käthe Kollaps (Trash Me, Berlin) +++ Knüpfi (Independent Complex/ Leipzig) +++ Kim (Klubb DÖD, SWE)+++Dr. Kernkrach (Kernkrach Festival/ GER)

L Lakini Malich (Drop Dead/NY) +++ Larme à Gauche (Bunker Bal/ Paris) +++ Larry (Death Blind Dumb/ Halle) +++ Les Saigneurs de la Night (Paris) +++ Licia (GER/IT) +++ (Lineanetrik (Komando Welle Neulicht/ Bochum) +++ Lottey (Present of the Future/GER) +++ Ludi Oktokreuz (Dis/Tanz/Berlin/Paris) +++ LaFontaine (Glamour Toujours, GER) +++ LVLVN (Waveteef, BG)

M M (ShockWave/ GER) +++ MadLyn (Ex-Resident/Vanity Noire, GE) +++ Maldoror (Crazy Hospital/Vienna) +++ Mannequin ( Young & Cold ) +++ Mara Mortem (Reformation Club, GB) +++ Margo (Lumière Bleue/Leipzig) +++ Maria Bischof ( Gothic Pogo / Berlin ) +++ Maria K ( Heroin / Brugge ) +++ Maria Maris (CR) +++ Mark Splatter (Radio Ghoul School L.A.) +++ Martin OldGoth (Insanatorium / Colchester) +++ Mat Zwart ( WaveTeef / Antwerp ) +++ Merlin (In The Dead Of Night/Bunker – Dresden) +++ Michael (AlienSexMalDAF242/ Mannheim) +++ Mike (Crazy Hospital/ Vienna) +++ Mike (Weird Science / Frankfurt) +++ Mo (Ghost Dance Party/ Erlangen +++ MizMargo (Sleepwalk, MIZerable Monday/USA)

N NecroPhil (Berlin) +++ Neon Force (In Ultra Violet/ GER) +++ Neue K (TIQ/Berlin) +++ Nattmara (Klubb DÖD, SWE) +++ Nora Bran (Graveyard Death Cvlt, GER)

O O! (Return to the Batcave/PL)

P Perikkles (MEX) +++ Petra Flurr (Berlin) +++ Pinkybloodymary (Electrik Electro/Nancy) +++ Polina Y (Mutant Transmissions/Drop Dead/BG) +++ Post Kontrol (Hidden Lines, SWE) +++ Pure Paranoid (Zombie Dance/ GRE)

R Rainbird (Berlin) +++ Raul (Cemetary Dance/ GER) +++ Redstribe (Milan Decay/ Milan) +++ Reverend Esser ( Manifest / Utrecht ) +++ Riikka (Zone-Grau/ Berlin) +++ Rik Fiend (Overdose, IT) +++ Ringo (ShockWave/ GER) +++ Runcible Spoon (Crazy Hospital/Vienna) +++ Reynaldo (Black Celebration / PER)

S San Decay (Trümmertango, Hamburg) +++ Schatten Voraus (Trash Me / Berlin) +++ Schlampi (Ex-Resident) +++ Schlö (Katacombe/Jena) +++ Serotonin (Graveyard Thrills/Lisbon) +++ Sharleen Voyage (Eisengrau, GER) +++ Sheatle (Minimalkompromiss/ Chemnitz) +++ Sheet-thief (Dangereux/Basel) +++ Simone la Fontaine (Glamour Toujours, GER) +++ Siousie (GER) +++ Siouxira & Tom-I (The Graveyard Scene /Zurich) +++ Sir Henrik (Peter Out Records/Deathrock Radio/Gothenburg/UK) +++ Skull (Decadence, Bologna, IT) +++ Slackerbitch (Klubb Död, SWE) +++ Stigmata (Graveyard Sessions/ Lisbon) +++ Swango Fandango ( Tanz Fatale / Berlin ) +++ Sleeper (Fade &Remain, Saalfeld) +++ Sharp (In Goth We Trust / MX|GER) +++ Svartin (Klubb DÖD, SWE) +++ Schatten Voraus (Trash ME, Dis/Tanz, Berlin) +++ Smalltownboi (Dis/Tanz, Berlin) +++ Stormy Winters (Berlin)

T Tankel Lux (Gothic Pogo/Lumière Bleue/GER) +++ Testbild (Eisengrau, GER) +++ TIQ (Berlin) +++ Tomek (Warsaw) +++ Tony X (Wolfpak/ LA) +++ Too Many Creeps +++ Tracy Sputnik (Oddity / MX) +++ Trish Trash ( Grauzone Festival / Amsterdam)

U Un5ound (Vanity Noire/ Leipzig) +++ Unhuman (Zombie Dance/ GRE) +++ Valentine ( Decadence / Bologna ) +++ Uschmar (Bunkersyndikat, GER)

V Valisia (Phoenix Catscratch/Athens) +++ Velouria Rosa (Portsmouth) +++ Voin (Blitz! / GER)

W Warholy (SilverFactorie/GER)  +++ Whydie? (Rare, Prague, CZ) +++ Woodraf ( +++ Wrain Havoc (Dead & Buried, USA)

X XO Skeleton (Unterschall, GER)

Y Yggdrasil (Graveyard Thrills/ Lisbon) +++ Yvonne (Oldskull/Warsaw)

Z ZeitUngeist (Gothic Pogo/BrainDeadBeats/Bat Habits/GER)